

3503 Uppsatser om Advertiser-funded program - Sida 1 av 234

Att skapa nya rum : Roomservice - en annan form av marknadsföring

Due to the technical development the enterprises of today are forced to creative thinking when it comes to marketing of their products. An example of one of these new methods are the development of product placement which has come to an interesting turn namely advertiser funded programming (AFP). Instead of the product just being a small part of the storyline it has become the story itself. The purpose of this study is to analyse how the advertiser funded tv-production Roomservice, a Swedish home styling program, communicates with it?s viewers as well as how they perceive the message.

Den nya smygreklamen : En kvalitativ studie av Avsändar-Finansierade Program och dess betydelse för tv-branschen

Syftet med studien är att belysa, problematisera och diskutera fenomenet Advertiser-funded programming eller Avsändar-Finansierade Program som det kallas för på svenska. Avsändar-Finansierade Program är en av de senaste trenderna när det kommer till att integrera organisationskommunikation med massmedia. Annonsörerna har tagit steget från att enbart exponera produkter och varumärken i reklampauser i och mellan program till att nu finnas med som en finansiell aktör i finansierings- och produktionsprocessen. Samtidigt som organisationers externa kommunikation integreras i underhållningsprogrammen minskar publikens möjlighet att värja sig från kommersiella budskap eftersom budskapet blir en del av det redaktionella innehållet. För att hämta åsikter och tankar från personer som direkt berörs av annonsörernas intåg i produktionsprocessen genomfördes kvalitativa intervjuer per telefon med personer som arbetar aktivt med AFP.

Advertiser Funded Programming - En ny väg runt mediebruset?

SAMMANFATTNING Uppsatsens titel: AFP ? En ny väg runt mediebruset!? Seminariedatum: 2007-01-19 Ämne/kurs: FEK 591 Magisteruppsats, 10 poäng (15 ECTS) Författare: Alexander Högman, Anders Lindén, Christian Nilsson Handledare: Per-Hugo Skärvad Nyckelord: AFP, Framgångsfaktorer, Medieval, Dolt budskap, TV. Syfte: Uppsatsen inledande syfte är att tydliggöra fenomenet AFP i teori och praktik och därigenom skapa en förståelse för hur fenomenet fungerar. Vidare ämnar uppsatsen att kartlägga, beskriva och analysera faktorer som karaktäriserar framgångsrik AFP. Metod: Undersökningens design är utformad för att belysa vilka faktorer som är viktiga för att nå framgång med AFP.

Stor problematik på liten yta : Att skriva informationsmaterial för skattefinansierade verksamheter

The purpose of this thesis has been about processing an already existing folder for a tax funded organization which is also the employer for this mission ? Expectrum. The reason is that both Expectrum themselves and the recievers of the folder are unhappy with the existing material. The critic that has been directed to Expectrum is that the recievers have trouble understanding what Expectrum is and what they do. Based on qualitative methods such as interviews and text analysis I?ve been able to answer my questions for this thesis.

Utvärdering av ett optimeringsprogram för produktionsplanering.

The aim of this thesis is benchmarking of the program, based on dynamic programming, that earlier was written to imitate the production planning at TSS.This thesis starts with a chapter about the construction of the DP-program, a shorter description of one and each of the program parts and also a list over the in- and output data in each program part. The DP-program consists of six linked MATLAB-files that together produce an optimized production plan for the different planning groups at TSS. The program reads in and reformat the given data and optimize the production of the articles in one group. Finally it compounds all article production plans and give us a production alternative.After running the program with new data the result shows, resembling with previous results, that TSS could be able to make some distinct cost-savings. According to the program, a 50 % decrease of TSS production costs is possible. .

SIDAs Watergate : En ide?historisk undersö?kning av debatten om svenskt bistånd till det indiska befolkningsprojektet 1977?1980

In 1975 the Indian president Indira Gandhi proclaimed the emergency period which would go on until 1977. Under this time approximately 8 million men and women were sterilized in the name of family planning. Many of them did not volunteer. This was not just an Indian con- cern because the family planning program was largely funded by international aid. The Swe- dish involvement in the program was debated 1977?1980, in what has been called ?SIDA?s Watergate?.

Debatterna om En bok för alla år 1992 och 2007 ? En diskursanalys

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to describe and compare the debates regarding the public funded publishing company En bok för alla (EBFA). On two occasions, 1992 and 2007, the public funding was threatened, which lead to debates and protests. The funding was revoked in 2007. I want to examine if by studying a particular product of cultural policy, one can se tendencies to how the cultural policy in whole change over time.

Är det möjligt att förolämpa någon via en annons : En studie om annonsers effekt på konsumenter

Advertisements have become a regular part of our everyday lives. We walk past them on the street; we admire them on the subway and even invite them into our living room in between prime time showings. The reality is that in today's modern times there is no escaping the daily bombardment of advertisement. To distinguish themselves from the continuous noise of the industry, advertisers battle to find unique ways to capture the attention of consumers. But is it possible that some advertisers take their techniques to an extreme in the struggle to be remembered This thesis aims at investigating whether it is possible to offend a consumer through an advertisement due to its extreme simplicity.

Virkets formförändring och dess betydelse vid postning :

The purpose of this thesis was to create a saw pattern program for the sawmill industry. I have chosen to focus on the module that describes the shrinking on the wood. There are several theories about how the wood deforms by shrinking. Several hypotheses were simulated in the program and after testing them I decided to use only one of them (hypothesis C). The program is written in Visual Basic .NET and I choused that program language because it is easy to do changes in the layout. Another great advantage in Visual .Net is that you can mix different languages in the same program.

Kunddatabas i Java och MySQL

The purpose with this work that is the basis for this thesis was to help Nattavaara Economical association to develop a program for handling invoices, customer information, and storage. The program and this thesis have been done in cooperation with the economical association in Nattavaara. Some of the demands on the program are that it shall handle customer information, storage status, invoices and diesel consumption. The program must be able to printout invoices, reminders, delivery notes, a customer list and a storage list. All information will be stored in a database.

Gymnasieelever och mobbning

Det huvudsakliga syftet med min undersökning var att studera gymnasieelevers erfarenheter av mobbning samt studera deras attityder till denna företeelse. Genom att dela ut en enkät till fyra olika program på en gymnasieskola kunde skillnader och likheter påvisas mellan dessa. Resultat som enkätundersökningen visar är till exempel att förekomsten av mobbning var som störst på ett studieförberedande program och som minst på ett yrkesförberedande program. Ett annat resultat är att elever på ett kvinnligt dominerat program är mer benägna att ingripa vid mobbningssituationer jämfört med elever på ett manligt dominerat program..

Elevers syn på hållbar utveckling

The token economy program, which is a method for behaviour modification, has been used worldwide for different groups within different settings in order to vhange behaviour.Research has found the token economy program to be effective. However, research is limited to quantitative and experimental studies, and Swedish research in this field is brief. Nevertheless, the program is used in several institutions n Sweden. A qualitative study in Swedish settings could therefore be useful. The purpose of this paper is to examine the experiences of a token economy program using qualitative interviews.

Varför väljer elever att söka maskinprogrammet?

Abstract The main aim for this research is to come to an understanding for why young people choose to apply for the machine program when the time comes for the students to make their choice of upper secondary school program. The second aim for this research is to try and come to an understanding on how to make the machine program more interesting for future students to apply to.  The method of this research is quality method with the usage of interviews. With a total of six students in the first grade going on a school in the middle part of the country I tried to get answers to my questions. There are many things that affect students when they are facing what gymnasium program to choose and a very common answer by students in this study is that friends and work after school are some of the reasons for why students choose, for example, the machine program. The study also shows that parents has less influence of the students choice of gymnasium program and in fact, all students in this study made the choice to pick the machine program as their gymnasium program, but not always the machine program as their first choice. With the comparison of similar studies with my study the results are often in line with what other scientist have come up with.

Möjligheter med film/tv-program i undervisningen för grundskolans år 0 till 9

Denna uppsats syfte är att undersöka hur lärare använder film/tv-program i sin undervisning. I litteraturgenomgången framställs forskares syn på hur lärare bör/ska använda film/tv-program i undervisningen. De som själva är lärare använder sig regelbundet av film/tv-program i sin undervisning och denna användning studeras. Uppsatsen berör också upphovsrätten och ger en kort sammanfattning av vad lagen säger om användning av film/tv-program i skolan. Uppsatsens empiriska del utgår från en enkätundersökning bland yrkesverksamma lärare.

Product Innovation Engineering program : En studie av ett nationellt innovationsprogram i Sverige

This study is intended to give an impartial view of a young and complex program in Sweden titled Product Innovation Engineering program. The purpose of this program is to increase innovation capability in Sweden that will result in new companies, patents and economic growth. The results from this study might give some direction to future innovation initiatives, but should primarily serve as a tool for the PIEp participants. The study will focus on investigating the creation of the program as well as the development of its strategy. From weaknesses and strengths within the strategy of the program the study should also attempt to show its future potential.

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